Do I Need A Gym Or A Personal Trainer?

You can improve your fitness in a variety of ways. So deciding between a gym or a personal trainer in Wanstead can be a tough decision. This blog post is here to help you become more informed when deciding so you can make the right choice for your goals.

We’re not here to say everyone needs a personal trainer and gyms are useless. Quite the opposite.

Both have their places and roles, depending on a lot of factors.

There are alternatives beyond them too - fitness classes, bootcamps (I heard there’s a great one in Wanstead that everyone’s having fun at), zumba, swimming, water aerobics, home workouts, online coaching, sports. Even pole fitness.

The list of ways you could exercise is pretty endless these days which is amazing!

It’s what we want.

People to find a form of exercise they enjoy so they can improve their fitness, stick with it and live a healthier lifestyle.

Two main options people go for and often decided between is a gym membership  or 1-2-1 personal training.

Let’s start with why you might join a gym

  • Relatively low cost. A gym membership can start from as little as £15 a month

  • Access to plenty of equipment/machines

  • Often comes with group classes

  • Turn up when you want, for as long as you want

Why you might get a personal trainer

  • Accelerate your progress with your goals

  • Take the decision making out of training

  • Learn and improve your knowledge along the way

  • Ensures good & safe technique

  • Keeps you accountable

  • Lifestyle & nutrition support outside of training

  • Can work around injuries

Gyms are great and there are more now than ever before. You even have 24 hour gyms where you can train at whatever time of day suits you.

However often people join a gym for a few months, try it out but never feel confident that they know what they are doing and why.

At which point, they’ve probably not seen the progress they wanted with their goals and stop going.

That’s one of the many reasons why having a personal trainer, especially when getting started in your fitness journey can be amazing.

It’s not a lifetime commitment but an investment for the long term.

If people are only our clients for 6 months because at that point they are confident in what they are doing, developed some solid lifestyle habits and built up some knowledge to be without us - we’re proud.

Now don’t get us wrong, having a personal trainer is a bigger investment than a gym membership. Even when compared to some of the higher end gyms.

It’s not for everyone and that’s okay.

As mentioned at the start, it’s about finding the type of training you enjoy and will consistently do.

The investment of a good personal trainer can set you up for a great relationship with the gym and aid in achieving the progress you’ve always wanted.

If you want to find out more about what it’s like to have a personal trainer in your fitness journey, applying to our leaner you program is the best place to start.

It’s a 4 week program designed for you to experience what personal training with us is like, kick-start your progress with your goals and without any commitment to continue after.

Hit the link below to find out more, apply and ask any questions.