How Fit Do You Need To Be Before Starting The Eat Lift Lose Bootcamp in Wanstead?

One of the biggest worries people have before starting our bootcamp is the feeling of not being fit enough.

What if I slow the class down?

What if I can’t keep up?

What if everyone else is young and fit?

And they are 100% natural worries to have.

You’re starting something new, going into a new environment and already a little self conscious of your fitness that you want to improve - that’s why you’re starting after all.

You’re probably throwing yourself a little out of your comfort zone.

And maybe never even done any sort of group training before.

The last experience of it might have been PE when you were 14 and hated it.

So the thought of doing some form of fitness in a group might scare the shit out of you.

But training with us isn’t a competition of trying to keep up with everyone else.

We’re not trying to train Olympic athletes for 2020.

Instead we’ve created the right environment for people of mixed abilities and ages to feel like they are being challenged at the right pace for them.

In your first session, there’s no need to push yourself until your lungs feel like they are about to fall out of your chest. In fact, there’s no need or pressure to do that at any point.

What you’ll find with our bootcamp is that there’s no such thing to us as slowing the class down.

Everyone supports and encourages each other.

And as for everyone being super fit?

Not everyone is and those that are, all started out somewhere just like you.

Other people’s fitness levels aren’t important.

What is key is taking that first step to improving your own.

You might also be fearful of not being able to do a certain exercise or do it properly.

But that’s precisely why we’re here.

We coach you every step of the way.

If there’s an alternative exercise that might be better for you, we’ll give that to you.

If you’re unsure on how to do it, we’ll give you some tips to help you out.

We’re not here to deliver a military style shouting session when it comes to bootcamp. If that’s what you’re after, you’re in the wrong place.

We’re here to coach, support and motivate you.

So ultimately, no matter what your starting fitness level is when you turn up on day one, we can help you improve.

If you feel like you’re ready to make that all important first step to improving your health, fitness and getting in shape - head here to check out what’s involved in our 28-Day Shape Up Program.