What I Learnt From Going For A Run In Wanstead Park

So I went for a run this week in Wanstead Park.

Don't ask what possessed me during this heat.

And by run, I don't mean a long 90 minute run around the park.

The most I generally do is a 5km.

Given I typically do the same distance, I knew I had a target for myself of doing it in 25 minutes or under.

Trainers on. Music pumping. Off to a quick start. Did I get it?


I did it in just over 25 minutes.

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And straight away I was disappointed, frustrated and annoyed.

I was sure with the pace I started off at I would get under 25 minutes.

But after throwing a strop to myself for a few minutes, I gave it some thought.

Let's look at the situation objectively (not excuses, just facts).

I went out for the run at about 1:30pm in 27-degree heat.

I hadn't run for 2 weeks and the time before that was months away.

My legs felt a little heavy from this week's gym sessions.

Running and improving my time isn't my main goal.

And after looking at the situation like that, I could then find positives...

I got outdoors, enjoyed a bit of sunshine and got my heart pumping.

I'm 5km better off than I was the day before.

I can always run another 5km another day and try to beat that time.

I cleared my head during the run and thought of a few ideas for Eat Lift Lose things whilst walking home.

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So, I didn't get under the 25 minute mark but there were plenty of positives to it.

How you view your progress and celebrate the little wins along the way is amazing.

It's not easy to do. It's easy to beat yourself up with what didn't go right.

And for a lot of people starting out, that's where having a coach comes in handy as they help you along your journey.

They can provide you with an outsiders objective view on your progress.

Reassess where you are.

Using their knowledge & experience in dealing with those situations, provide some potential tweaks to whatever it is you're working towards.


Having a coach help with weight loss

So for someone losing to lose weight, they might get frustrated if the number on the scales doesn't go down 1 week.

But that's where we as coaches can take a step back from being emotionally invested in your scale number, review what you've done during the week and see if there's everything that happened that could have resulted in that.

It could be as simple as having a salty carby meal the night before you weigh yourself and you're holding onto a bit of water.

Or it could be you're steps have completely  slacked off this week so that's one thing to work on for the following week.

Either way, having a coach helps massively!


If you're someone who get's frustrated and struggles to see the sort of results you want, let's have a chat to see what's happening and if we can help.

Get in touch below and get your first 7 days of personal training for free.