What Does Fitness Mean to You?

It was National Fitness Day not too long ago and it got us both thinking.

Yep, believe it or not, it does happen sometimes

Fitness has got so many different meanings.

What it means to one person could be completely different to the next.

Even between ourselves it doesn’t mean the exact same thing.

So what does it mean to us?

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Basically, so I can have bigger muscles than Chris


Fitness to me is keeping myself healthy. Whether that's through being active outside of the gym, training in the gym and eating a varied diet. It makes me feel good about myself, gives me more energy & helps me be positive mentally.

Fitness also allows me to eat the foods I love: burgers, pizzas and ice cream. Oh, and doughnuts too.

What it doesn't mean to me is living & eating everything typically associated to fitness - training everyday & eating out of tubs all the time isn't for me. I like to get a balance between enjoying myself and looking after myself. Otherwise I'd go insane.

P.S. don't give me fake brownies made of sweet potato.

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For me, it goes beyond lifting weights in the gym. It's about finding something you enjoy that keeps you active both physically and mentally.


Improving the way you look is only one part of fitness that many see but for me, fitness can do more than we imagine.

It can make you feel like you can take on new challenges outside of the gym, give you loads of energy for everyday life and you can make some great new friends with people on your journey.

Taking those first few steps to improve your fitness can be daunting. It can be scary & intimidating. But I promise you, when you find something you enjoy doing that keeps you active, you’ll wonder why you never started sooner.

It's not all salads, weights & protein shakes.

So that’s what the short version of what fitness means to us.

What does it mean to you?

If you’re not sure and what to explore that, we’re more than happy to grab a coffee and chat about what your current goals and what fitness could give you.

Just drop us a message and let’s chat :)