
10 Simple Tips To Help Make Your Weight Loss Journey Easier

Expecting 10 tips that are going to help you lose 10 lbs in 10 days?

I'll advise you to stop reading now. Save your time.

What you'll discover in this post is:

  • How to make weight loss easier

  • How to remove all the complicated fluffy shit most people SELL you

  • Appreciate that it's these basics that build you amazing foundations for your journey.


Before you read on though, let's get the truth out there.

Weight loss takes TIME and PATIENCE.

I'll repeat that again.

It takes TIME and PATIENCE.

Probably more than we would like. But that's just the harsh reality.

No one became overweight in a matter of 10 days.

So why should you expect loads of weight loss in 10 days?

With that being said, here are 10 of our favourite tips to help make your journey of losing weight that little easier and improve your chances of success.



#1 - Do resistance training 2-3 times a week

This means lifting some form of weights. And no, before you ask, lifting weights won't make you bulky. Some people have tried for years and are still waiting for it to happen. Instead, it will help build you some lean muscle to give you more of that toned look.


#2 - Have 6-8 hours of quality sleep a night

It's usually the first thing to be sacrificed in our modern lives in place of something like Netflix but it's sooo important. It's where the magic of all your body's recovery happens. When we're sleep deprived, we tend to overeat to make up for the tiredness. So get a good night's sleep as often as possible.


#3 - Eat some form of protein in each of your meals

It's going to help your muscles recover from the exercise you do so you don't feel as sore. It also helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. So when you're dieting, it's going to make the feeling of being hungry less likely. Short on ideas of high protein meals? Check out some of our recipes here.


#4 - Eat fruit/vegetables with every meal

Your parents had a point when you were younger - they are GOOD FOR YOU! They are going to give you plenty of vitamins and minerals that are so vital to everyday health. Not only that, but most are low in calories and the fibre they contain is going to help keep you feeling full.


#5 - Drink 2-3 litres of water a day

One of the easiest and cheapest habits that can improve anyone's life. It may sound like a lot of water but grab yourself a 500ml bottle of water and start by trying to drink it 4 times in a day. Just don't drink all of your water in the evening before going bed. Nobody wants to wake up half way through the night to go to the loo.


#6 - Walk 10k steps a day

Something the modern day desk lifestyle has robbed us of is daily activity. We commute to work, sit down at our desks to work, eat lunch at our desk, commute home and then chill on the sofa in the evening. Try making a conscious effort to increase your steps and keep track of them using an activity tracker - we discuss LOADS about them in episode 25 of the Eat Lift Lose Show.


#7 - Eat 80-90% of your food from single ingredient foods

That doesn't mean you have to eat a raw carrot and dry chicken breast for lunch. It means that you're eating wholesome, unprocessed foods most of the time that we are know are great for us and going to give us plenty of energy.


#8 - Eat the foods that are less "healthy" in moderation: 10-20%

Because who doesn't enjoy a slice of cake, pizza or ice cream?! They might not be that healthy in terms of the amount of nutrition they provide but you probably enjoy them and what's life if you remove them completely? Just eat them in moderation so that you're not having them all day, everyday.


#9 - Do activities you enjoy e.g. walking the dog, a fun gym class, yoga, climbing etc.

Guess what happens when you enjoy something? You're more likely to stick to it. Yes, resistance training is amazing but I'm pretty sure there are other physical activities you enjoy. So try a bunch, give them a go and you never know what you might discover you love.


#10 -  Opt for lower calorie options

Lucikly in the modern world, we have a lot of different options available to us and there are so many low calorie versions of what we consume daily. It could range from cooking oils, milk, meat or cheese and everything in between. Make a few smart swaps like these here and you could easily save yourself 500 calories in a day without making much change.


So there you have it...

10 simple tips for you to take away and IMPLEMENT.

Because that's what you need to do to make a change. Don't just consume them, TAKE ACTION.

Start off with one or two. Get consistent with them for a couple of weeks and then start to layer a few more on top.

Before you know it, you'll be building a lifestyle of healthy habits without even realising.


If you want someone support to make all of this easier (because it can be hard going solo), we have a FREE group where we share workout ideas, recipes, tips to make weight loss easier and have a few LOLs at the same time.

Click here to get involved and start making your journey a little easier.