Nutrition Or Exercise For Weight Loss?

What’s more important?

Do I need to do more training sessions to lose weight?

I’ve trained hard so can I eat more now?

We’ll be covering all of those key questions we get asked and make things as simple as possible for you when it comes to losing weight and feeling fitter than ever.

We’ve helped dozens of women across Wanstead do just that, without making them do boring hours of cardio or give up their favourite carbs. Now, if you want to do those things - just close this website now. If not, strap in and read along…

First things first, you’ve probably heard things like:

  • Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% training

  • You can’t out-train a bad diet

  • You’ve earnt that dinner after your training today

Now when it comes to losing weight (specifically fat), it goes without saying you need to be in a calorie deficit. This you probably know by now.

So surely exercise is the answer as I can burn loads of calories off?

Let me stop you right there Sally from sales.

It’s not.

And the truth is, you’ve been lied to about how many calories your 1 hour training session will burn off.

600? No chance.

500? Probs not.

300?? That’s more realistic.

For an hour of training? What’s the point then?!

Well the point is, training isn’t there just to help you burn calories.

And that’s why the nutrition side is just as important, if not more, when it comes to what you should focus on for fat loss.

By the time you finish reading this, you could easily eat through 500 calories.

Try burn that off in the same amount of time?

Not a chance!

So paying a bit more attention to your nutrition rather than stressing about fitting a fourth training session in is probably going to get you better results.

Of course, they aren’t mutually exclusive.

Why do just one when you can do both?

Often what happens when people start training with us at bootcamp or with us with 1-2-1 training is they automatically start to tidy up their nutrition.

They go hand in hand.

And when you start to make a positive change with your exercise habits, your nutrition generally starts to improve.

  • You eat more veg/fruit.

  • You make a conscious effort to cook more.

  • You might say no to the second slice of cake.

So if we had to pick just one focus for people to help them lose weight, it would be nutrition.

However, no one works like that. And you should be looking at both areas if you want to create some long-lasting results.

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to your nutrition or exercise for weight loss, then there’s no better place than our Kick-Arse guide to weight loss

You’ll discover how to finally get rid of that stubborn belly fat without giving up the food you enjoy.

And more importantly, how to lose weight and keep it off for good this time.

Check it out here if you want to find out more.