5 Reasons Why You’re Not Seeing The Weight Loss Results You Want

It can be frustrating. We get it.

You feel like you’re making all the effort but just not seeing the fat loss progress you want.

Here are 5 reasons why that might be the case and what you can do to help yourself accelerate your results.

Lack of accountability

Who’s in your corner, objectively supporting you? Someone that will ask at the end of the week how everything’s going?

When you ride through solo and without the right foundations, you can easily talk your way out of eating well, training and all the good habits you need to put in place to get results.

Because who’s going to notice if you’re not doing them?

Having someone there that will ask you about your week instantly provides added motivation to eat well and workout - partly because of our human nature and you don’t want to let that person down (even though, none of our clients could).

And if it’s a coach you’ve invested financially and your time into, you won’t want to waste that by not following the training program and nutrition guidance they’ve laid out for you.

So especially when starting out, your quickest route to success will be having a good coach that genuinely cares and holds you accountable.

We’re essentially your sat nav to help you get to where you want, redirecting you around traffic (any obstacles in the way of your results) and guiding you with each turn (supporting you week by week).

Whether that’s an online coach, a one-to-one personal trainer in person or even group training that has support and a community outside of sessions.

They can all hold you accountable to differing levels to help fast track your results.


You want to drop that jeans size in a week and 7 kilos in a month.

Now if changes in our body happened that quickly, we’d be screwed. Because think of the opposite of that and question if that makes sense - do you think you can gain a jeans size in a week and be 7 kilos heavier in a month? Probably not.

We all want everything NOW and love instant gratification. So it’s not surprising to see that desire in wanting your results so quickly.

But take a step back and have some patience.

What’s the rush?

Are you competing in boxing and have to make a certain weight on a certain day?

Or are you wanting to feel more confident in your clothes, be fit enough to keep up after the kids and not feel out of breath climbing 2 sets of stairs?

If it’s the latter, then don’t try to rush things and expect instant results.

If you’re taking positive steps with your fitness and nutrition consistently then the results will come.

Just don’t expect them next week.

You’re in this for the long game, so have patience.

It’s the hard truth sometimes that we don’t want to hear but it’s important to be honest about it.

Because there are hundreds of false promises and over hyped diets and programs out there which will make bogus claims of how quickly you can lose weight.

Focusing on the outcome too much


It’s the reward that we all chase from time to time.

But when you become so focused on the scales going down, how your jeans fit or your visual progress in the mirror you can quickly lose focus on the actual stuff that will get you there.

Having an outcome goal is good, don’t get me wrong. Especially when you set mini milestones and feel the progress between them.

But focusing purely on the result itself won’t make it happen.

If I focus on just wanting to buy a car or buy a house, will I have it by the end of the year by focusing on that?


It’s the effort put into your process goals that over time will help you get there.

So rather than just focusing on losing 10 kilos, shift your energy to the actions that get the result.

All the things we won’t stop talking about - your nutrition, your workouts, your steps, your water, your sleep.

Focus on those things and funnily enough, you’ll be seeing your results a lot quicker than before!

The fuck it ATTITUDE

We’ve all been there - me included.

You’ve enjoyed a pizza on a Friday night and some ice cream with your loved ones.

Maybe a few beers or a bottle of wine.

And that’s the weekend started.

When Saturday comes, you think “Well I’ve already ruined the week with dinner last night, what’s the point in the weekend now? I might as well go all in - fuck it!”.

So on Saturday the next bottle (or two) of wine comes out. This time it’s a Chinese take away and since we’re going for it, a family sized galaxy bar whilst enjoying a movie at home.

Then we’ve got Sunday where a bit of guilt settles in during the morning. But we’re this far in now, what’s the point? So UberEats is the plan for breakfast and it’s a McDonalds double sausage and egg meal, with extra hash browns of course.

Not forgetting the last foray into Sunday night just to round things out nicely with a full pack of oreos and whatever else is left in the snack drawer.

Sounds ridiculous when you look at it like that right?

But it’s entirely possible and it happens for some people every weekend.

Here’s the thing though - if you were driving home on the motorway and developed a flat tyre, would you:

  1. Pull over to the hard shoulder and call the AA

  2. Pull over to the hard shoulder, slash all 4 tyres and crack your window whilst you’re at it, before driving home (or just 1 mile)

The “fuck it” attitude leads people to do 2) with their weekend.


Well it’s multi-layered and I couldn’t possibly tell you why exactly.

But many reasons why people do it involve - too much restriction during the week, labelling foods “good” & “bad”, thinking a cheat meal will boost your metabolism, not feeling like you deserve to be better, dropping into a “binge & restrict” cycle.

There’s clearly a lot going on.

But here’s what I suggest you do next time you feel like you’ve messed up your diet and before you enter the “fuck it” stage.

Remember that you’re only one meal away from getting back on track.

And have a conscious thought of what’s happened - did you just enjoy a Friday night with loved ones that you don’t have to feel guilty for. Or did you actually ruin your diet?

It’s unlikely and almost impossible to be the second from just one meal. So don’t beat yourself up about it.

Enjoy your time with loved ones and those social occasions.

And know you don’t have to be perfect so don’t let things spiral downwards from one meal.

Fixating on just the scales

I’ve lost 2lbs - hurray, let’s celebrate!!

I’ve gained 2lbs - shit, I must be doing everything wrong and this diet isn’t for me.

Even worse is when you’ve made an effort but it doesn’t budge and think what’s even the point of trying?!

Whether you’re weighing yourself daily or once a week, when trying to lose weight we all want that number to drop.

But it won’t always, despite your best efforts, because your body weight fluctuates soooo much.

And we know that - just look at the memes online about taking a poo before weigh in day.

So constantly focusing on the number on the scales is likely to lead to more stress than what it’s worth and a lot of the time, emotional decisions around what to do with your nutrition and workouts.

That number is just that - a number.

It’s ONE indicator of progress and not the only one to look at.

Because a year from now, you could be a similar weight but be much fitter, a lot more toned up and have a completely different shape to your body.

Would you get angry at the scales then if that was the case? Probably not.

Take a scale weight, sure. And do it what feels comfortable with you - whether that’s daily, weekly or even every fortnight.

But don’t let that be the only thing that decides if you’re making progress.

Are you feeling fitter?


Noticing you’re more toned up and your shape changing?

Clothes feeling like they fit better?

Able to keep up with the kids or run for a bus without feeling like a lung is about to fall out?

Your progress is more than just a scale weight number.

What’s next?

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