What are you focusing on?

Whether to go with detox teas or detox juices?

The latest celebrity diet?

Which supplements to take?

When to take them?

Well, I'm sorry Sally. I've got bad news for you. If you're looking to make a jump start on improving your health & fitness, you're chasing after the wrong things

It's like trying to get the perfect cherry on your cake before you've even considered the quality of the cake itself.


So what are things you want to consider for weight loss?



Whether you're going to track them or not, weight loss is dictated by burning more calories than you eat (A calorie deficit). Period. Whether it's 1,500 calories of ice cream or 1,500 calories of nutritious food, if that puts you into a calorie deficit, you will lose weight.

Nutritious food

That being said, I wouldn't suggest you go and eat 1,500 of Ben & Jerry's a day and nothing else. Eat like an actual adult. So look to get a portion of fruit/veggies in each meal. Sounds boring right? But it's going to help keep you fuller for longer with the fibre content & you're going to be getting in plenty of vitamins.


The unsexy friend of HIIT. The one that doesn't get centre stage. The one that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Okay, you get the message. Taking more steps in your day will help increase how many calories you burn. That's half of the equation when it comes to a calorie deficit. It's free to do, can be added to your day without realising & don't for a second tell me that you're unsure how to do it. Aim for 10k a day if you're not already hitting that. If you are, congrats! Now go and aim for a few 1,000 more.


Look, this isn't what only bodybuilders need so they can get their bulging arms. It's required by your body for healthy hair & nails, helps you get that toned look you've been wanting (providing you're lifting some weights) & is great at keeping you full. There's plenty of great lean sources you can go for: white fish, chicken, turkey, tuna, quorn, 5% beef mince, whey protein. I could go on but there's a few things you could add into your shopping basket on the weekend.


Those things sound like a bit more hard work than drinking a detox tea and hoping your weight drops?

Yeah, it should. Because things like that aren't going to do anything other than cost you money. The hard work is focusing on the basics and changing some of your lifestyle habits.

If it was easy, we wouldn't have people struggling with A) achieving weight loss and B) maintaining it.

If you want to carry on focusing on what supplements to buy & the timing of them, go for it. Just don't complain when you've spent £100s across the year and not got the results you've wanted.

If you do however have any questions about the what, how or why of doing things, drop me a message and I'll be happy to help you out.