12 Reasons To Exercise Beyond Losing Weight

We’ve been running our bootcamp and personal training service in Wanstead for just over 12 months now so wanted to talk through 12 reasons BEYOND weight loss that exercise is great for.

Because truth be told (that not many talk about!), it’s easier to reduce your calories from nutrition than it is to burn them off in the gym.

I could eat 600 calories of doughnuts in next to no time compared to how long it would realistically take to burn a similar amount in the gym.

So in no particular order, here are 12 reasons to exercise beyond losing weight…

Perform better day to day

Moments we never forget from the last 12 months are ones that involve our members telling us things like - “it’s easier to run around after the kids now” or “I can now move with less pain”. Exercise can help improve the day to day tasks we do massively and allow you to enjoy life more.

Improve your mobility

We’re not training anyone to be an Olympic gymnast. But our training always involves some form of mobility work. Why? Because if you don’t use it, you’re going to lose it. And improving/keeping your mobility is going to help improve the levels of exercise you can perform at, as well as tying into plenty of other reasons in this list such as reducing your risk of injury.

Reduce your risk of injury

We’ve both been there. Getting injured SUCKS! Sure, training carries a risk of injury and an even bigger one when you do exercise not suited to you. But with support from a good coach, you can reduce both your risk of injury during exercise and outside of it. As you get stronger, your risk of injury from everyday life is more than likely going to go down.

Trying new things

How often do we get to try new things these days? With our training, we can help you try and work towards new goals. We’ve seen members hit their first full press up, managed to nail chin ups and seen them progress massively with how far they can run without getting out of breath. There is always the opportunity to try new things. And even if that isn’t with us, you’ve got dozens of different forms of exercise you can try to find one you love. Zumba anyone?

Sense of achievement

Similar to trying new things - got yourself a new goal? We’ll help you get there. And that sense of achievement feels amazing! There’s no bigger high than setting yourself a target, working hard towards it and then nailing it. We might even throw in a cheesy high five if you’re down for it.

Meeting new people

In this day and age, it can be difficult to meet new people without swiping on an app - even to meet new friends. Now, in the wrong circumstances, exercise can be a lonely place of where you don’t speak to anyone in your gym. But we’ve been fortunate enough to create an amazing community of people that want to spend time with each other outside of training. If you can’t throw in a bottomless brunch or trip to play some crazy golf with the people you train with, then why bother! ;)

Having fun

And we genuinely mean it. We work super hard to make sure that the training we deliver can be both challenging and fun at the same time. It can be hard to believe if you’re new to exercise and we understand that. Or if you’ve had some boring experiences of running on a treadmill for 30 minutes before heading home. But the variety of exercise, games and challenges we combine ensure you’re leaving with a bigger smile than what you started with.

Maintaining any weight loss

As we mentioned at the very start, exercise may not actually be the best tool in your toolbox when it comes to trying to lose weight. But when it comes to maintaining any weight loss, it surely is going to help. When you’ve lost that weight through nutrition and training, the training part is going to help you maintain a lifestyle where you can keep it off for good.

Perform better at work

Starting to exercise can massively lead to a domino effect in the rest of your life and that includes how you perform at work. If you start to add in some exercise into your life, you’re likely to gain a little more focus in the rest of your life. We’ve seen members that have found their regular training help keep them sharp at work, especially when times are busy.

Relieve stress

So yes, training is a form of stress on the body and when you’re ill we’d recommend taking it down a notch. Having said that, there are plenty of occasions where one of our members have come to the start of a session feeling a little stressed out and then leaving with a sense of relief. Even more so in a personal training setting where the whole experience is about how you feel when you walk through on the day. On occasion, we might spend a good 20 minutes going through some stretches and foam rolling to help relax.

Reduce your risk of osteoporosis

As we get older, we can develop osteoporosis where our bones typically get weaker. By doing some form of resistance training, you can improve your bone density and help prevent osteoporosis. Pretty cool if you want to help reduce the risk of you get any annoying fractures.

Feel more energetic

The 21st century lifestyle can make a lot of us feel sluggish, worn out and often burning the candle at both ends. Exercise is there to help you feel more energetic on a day to day basis so you don’t feel the need to have 6 coffees a day just to make it through without punching someone.

So there you have it!

12 reasons to exercise beyond just losing weight.

If one (or multiple) reasons resonated with you and you’re sat there thinking “maybe I’ll give this exercise thing a go…” then we’ll be happy to see if there’s something we can do to support you with your goals.

We’ve got two options to help you find something you can enjoy and stick to.

And if you’ve got any questions, you know where to find us.

Until next time,

Coach Chris

30 Day Shape

What makes our 30 day shape so special is that it gives you the perfect amount of exposure to mobility work that will help you move better, strength training that will help you look better and fitness work that will make you feel better.


We focus on helping you have more fun whilst getting in the best shape of your life.