5 Top Tips To Help With Staying At Home

Staying and working at home has probably brought you a big upheaval in your habits, routine and schedule.

What even day is it any more and is it acceptable to stay in my PJs day before changing into nighttime PJs?

Amidst all of the chaos that surrounds us in these unprecedented times, knowing where to start or what to work on can be a minefield.

So today, here are 5 top tips to help you manage with the massive changes in life right now.

All designed to help look after both your physical & mental health. Because both are important, especially right now in these uncertain times.

Plan your day out

Stopping to plan your day out might seem initially like a waste of time. But in the long run, you’ll be better off. It doesn’t need to take long. A simple 5-10 minutes at the start of your day can make all the difference. Areas to think about are: work, house admin, eating times, time with the kids if you have any, downtime for yourself, exercise.

Go for a walk

If you can get out, a walk outdoors is great for giving yourself a bit of energy, allowing you to refresh your mind and get some headspace. Staying at home all day can feel a bit like a drag by day 2 or 3 in a row. So break it up and stretch your legs. If you are getting out, please follow the current guidelines from the government.

Keep set meal times

It’s easy when working or staying at home just to eat whenever you want. Grazing on food across the day without actually having a proper meal. Before you know it, it’s 4pm and you’re super hungry, left wondering why when you’ve had snacks all day. But you’ve probably had zero protein all day and little fibre. Two areas of nutrition that will keep you feeling fuller for longer. By keeping your breakfast, lunch and dinner at regular times you can give yourself some much needed structure and actual meals to enjoy.

Look after yourself

Do something for yourself. Self care is hugely important because when we take care of ourselves, it’s then easier to look out for others. It’s ironic thought because when we want to look after others, we neglect ourselves. Make some time to treat yourself. Take a relaxing bath, read that book you’ve been meaning to get to, get your guitar out for some fun or if a face mask is your thing, go for it!

Have a conversation

Right now, everyone is going through a bit of a confusing and challenging time. So how you are feeling is going to vary day to day. If you’re feeling anxious about something, find someone you can confide in. Or if you are feeling positive, be an ear to someone that needs to chat. By maintaining those conversations with loved ones, we can all help each other. Keep regularly checking in on your loved ones that you don’t live with and see how they’re doing.

That’s it! 5 top tips to help with staying at home so you can make the most of it.

If you enjoyed that and want some more support with your fitness, nutrition and staying active - check out our free Facebook group here.

And if you’re ready to start making yourself a priority again, our 28 day shape up from home program is now available. We coach you live online so it can be done from anywhere in the world, in any room that you’re in (or the garden!).

To find out how out how our group training and stretch & mobility sessions can help you stay active whilst at home, just hit the big button below.