Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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The Slow And Steady Journey Of Fat Loss

We’re creatures of habit.

I visit The Currant in Wanstead once or twice a week. Either to catch up with personal training clients or so I can get some work done with Brad.

It’s where our bootcamp originally kicked off with a nutrition workshop so it’s basically a second home.

And over the past 14 months, I’ve probably ordered the same drink there 95% of the time.

Large black americano.

It’s become a running joke every time I visit and order a drink.

But there’s some truth behind that joke.

They know what I want because...

We’re creatures of habit.

Whether that’s your coffee order. Your morning commute to work. Your 11am coffee pick me up and couple of biscuits.

We do a lot of things on a daily basis without thinking about it.

That’s NOT a bad thing.

Imagine if we had to think through every single decision we made every day.

We’d probably get very little done!

We do things out of habit because it makes our life easier.

And when you want to change, it’s your habits & routines that have to change.

Because expecting a different result by doing the same thing is the definition of insanity.

That’s not to say you need to flip your life upside down to make a change in how you look/feel/move.

You can start small.

Start with something that you’re 90% confident in achieving over the next week.

  • Walking up the stairs instead of taking the lift to the 3rd floor.

  • Getting off your bus two stops earlier and walking the rest.

  • Having a portion of veggies with your lunch and dinner that you wouldn’t normally have.

  • Making sleep more of a priority and getting an extra hour instead of one more netflix episode.

  • Drink a glass of water with every meal to increase your hydration.

They sound like small changes. And they are.

But that’s what makes them more achievable.

And because we’re simple creatures, we like to achieve things.

Now if you was to work on and develop a new habit every 2 weeks, in just 2 months you would have improved on 4 different aspects of what you do on a daily basis.

That shit is going to add up .

Imagine doing that across the whole of 2019.

That would be 26 habits improved.

That’s a lot of healthy habits that are going to work towards living a lifestyle that allows you to lose the weight you want AND maintain it.

Which is ultimately what most people want right? To find a place where they feel energised, confident in their body, healthy and fit.

Not sure where to start or what habits to work on?

We’ve got a 30 day shape programme, designed to suit your individual needs and goals so that across the 30 days, you can start to feel more energised & stronger whilst dropping inches from your body.

One of our recent clients who came through the programme lost a total of 10 inches across her body and has finally started to feel fit again!

If you want to find out a little more about it, just hit the button below…