Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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Why The Support You Get Is Key To Losing Weight

We could talk about diets, calories, protein & everything else that comes along with nutrition until we’re blue in the face and how important it is for weight loss.

And it is - it goes without saying that paying attention to that side of things is crucial.

Making some sort of change with your nutrition, however big or small, is a smart idea if you want to lose weight.

That’s not rocket science either.

We all know that and you reading this blog knows that too.

Which then begs the question…

Why do so many people struggle with losing weight?

They know what to do.

Picked a nutrition approach to follow to get there.

But often don’t see the results or maintain the weight that’s been lost.

Here is where we let you into a secret…

They lack support

Now, support comes in many forms. The simplest way of thinking of it is the people you interact with.

Friends, partners, family, colleagues, your neighbour Jessica.

All of these people you spend time with are your original support network.

Some of them might be really understanding and supportive of your weight loss goals.

Whilst others, often not even intentionally, might be sabotaging your goals.

That doesn’t make them bad people. Not for a second.

They might not know about your personal desire to lose weight and feel fitter again. So they might just be being polite when they offer you that massive slice of birthday cake around the office.

It’s also not their responsibility to ensure you hit 10k steps a day or train 3 times a week. They’ve got their own priorities to be looking out for which is fair enough.

And that’s where getting some external support with your goals is crucial.

It’s going to help you get the results you want much faster with someone else’s daily support.

What happens when you mess up your diet?

What happens when your weight loss stalls?

What happens when you know you’re not going to be able to make it to the gym 3 times a week?

What happens when you’re not sure how to get over the 7k mark with your daily steps?

For each of those questions, and there are a million more, the answer is already in your support network when you have a coach alongside you.

We’re not here purely to get you to squat and do planks.

We’re here to support, assess, reassess your progress & show you how to tweak things when needed.

There’s honestly nothing that makes us happier than seeing someone smile at the results they’ve achieved.

Did we do all the hard work for them and they somehow lost a stone in two months?

No, that’s certainly not what happened.

They work hard at the strategy we decide together with you that will help you most, picked you up when you hit the inevitable bumps in the road and supported you with challenging scenarios.

It’s you that has still done the work.

We take immense pride in the support with give to all of our members.

Someone who started on our January intake of the 28 day shape up program said this about it...

“Go for it. You will receive great support to keep on track and achieve your goals. And you'll meet lovely people along the way. Also the 1:1 sessions are a really good idea too, as well as the FB groups.”

The support you get in the 28 day shape up program is like no other - and we do it because we know its what most people need to get results.

“I definitely got stronger and I felt I looked more toned. I lost a couple of pounds too.”

Imagine what you could achieve with the right level of support with your goals…

Your colleagues asking how you’ve lost the weight.

Your partner noticing you’ve toned up.

Your parents, who you haven’t seen a while, asking what’s your secret.

Your kids looking at you as a role model and enjoying the extra energy you have.

If you want to tone up and lose weight, we’re here to support you.

Our March intake for the 28 day shape up program is opening up on Monday 25th.

✅ Lose weight and feel more energetic than you ever have!

✅ Eat pizza, drink gin AND still get results.

✅ Our sessions are designed to be a challenge and fun at the same time, ideal for all abilities.


The program starts on Tuesday 5th March with sessions every Tuesday & Thursday @ 7:30pm and Saturday @ 10am, all based in Wanstead.

Get started below with our 28 day shape up program that gives you everything you need to lose weight and get fitter.