Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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5 Top tips For Starting Your Fitness Journey This January

This time of year, there are more people feeling motivated and inspired to start their fitness journey and we love it!

We’ve had more people join our bootcamp in Wanstead this January than any other month last year.

What does that mean to us?

It means that more people are starting their fitness journey, or for some getting back into fitness after a break.

And the opportunity for us to change more lives and help more people achieve some amazing results.

January can be an awesome time of year to start. But at the same time can also be super nervy for a lot of people!

Am I doing this exercise right?

What food should I be eating?

When am I going to drop a dress size?

Can I even be asked to go to the gym today?

All questions usually running through people’s head when starting.

So here are 5 top tips to help make starting your fitness journey this January, that much easier. And also sustain it after January 31st!

Commit yourself to what you can realistically achieve

If you’re starting from training 0 times in the last 12 months, realistically, are you going to make 5 gym sessions/classes a week? Let’s be honest, the answer’s going to be no.

90% confident you can make 2 a week? If the answer’s yes, then commit to that. Schedule it in your diary. Make it YOUR own time for YOURSELF that nobody is going to touch (unless of course it’s super important). If you were to do that for 4 weeks, that’s 8 more exercise sessions that the previous year!

Don’t flip your diet upside down

There can be a time and place for getting super strict with your diet, especially if you have a coach to guide you through that knows what you’re capable of. But considering you’ve probably just about dusted off the last box of celebrations at home, a complete 360 of your diet is going to be super hard to maintain for more than a couple days.

Instead, what we suggest and how we like to work with our clients to get them results is thinking about what can is going to give us the biggest improvement from the smallest change over the next week or two.

Been a while since you’ve eaten some veggies? Aim for a couple portions a day.

Had more gin than water in December? Get yourself a bottle and let’s hit the water fountain.

Get that going for a week or two and then build from there.

Focus on the basics

The basics aren’t talked about enough because they’re not eye catching. They are simple, most of the time free and achievable. This time of year there are dozens of products and programmes shouting about losing 7lbs in 7 days with little effort.


They are very tempting. The idea of them sound awesome. Who wouldn’t take losing that amount of weight without having to do much?

But you’d be better off saving your cash and focusing on the basics that will actually get you there.

How’s your sleep?

Are you eating plenty of veg?

Are you staying active with your steps outside of training?

Got yourself well hydrated?

Stick with those basics if you want results, not the tea offering you to detox yourself.

Get a friend involved

Training with a friend can be great fun. You get the social element of seeing them and you’re there to push each other along the way. You’re in the same boat so can share similar experiences, challenges and how you overcome them.

The added benefit of training with a friend is you don’t want to let them down by not showing up and vice versa. That makes sticking to a routine much more likely.

Because we know that this time of year can be super comforting to stay indoors in the nice warmth with netflix and actually chill.

Get support from a coach

There’s going to be no quicker way to achieving your results than getting a coach that know what they are doing and is there to support you. All of those questions you’ve had and googled, only to find conflicting results can be answered.

What to do in the gym and kitchen will become a lot clearer.

Not only that, a good coach is going to help you get over the hurdles you face (because you will face some in January) and ensure you can still make progress when you hit them.

So, there are our 5 tips to helping you get your fitness journey in 2019 kick started.

We’re already helping plenty of people get their year off to the best possible start.

If you would like to join them in making that step, the doors to our 30 day shape programme have opened up.

Find out more about how you can achieve some awesome results and apply for your place here.