Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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Results Beyond The Gym

If you’ve trained with us in the gym in Wanstead or been part of our Eat Lift Lose Bootcamp, you’ll know that results are beyond the physical changes you see or the weight loss from the scales.

Whilst both are major goals for a lot of people that start with us and achieving them is amazing, it’s not the only progress you can make from training in the gym.

Here are five other ways we encourage all of our members to view their fitness progress so it’s not just a case of chasing a certain scale weight.

Energy Levels

For us, training should improve the other aspects of your life. One big impact a lot of our personal training clients and bootcamp members tell us about is how much more energy they have. Even from those that haven’t done any training in years, they notice the difference in how they feel. Having better energy levels for every day life is huge. Just think of the areas it impacts - as a parent, as a partner, at work, as a friend. Being able to give more to the areas of your life that are important to you is powerful.

Gym Confidence

Most people that start out with us aren’t expert lifters with 10+ years of going to the gym. In fact, most haven’t stepped foot in a gym for years because they find them boring, intimidating and not their scene. One thing we’re proud of is when people find the confidence in themselves with their training. It’s not a result you can measure with a number but that doesn’t make it an less important. As your confidence with training grows, you’re more likely to both make it a part of your life and try new things such as an obstacle course run which you might never had thought as possible before.


We can all struggle with this for different areas of our lives. So to achieve more consistency with your nutrition and training is huge. How many times have you said you’ll start going to the gym, make a good effort at the start but then fall off and never return? So when someone who hasn’t done much training over the last 5 years or paid much attention to the way they eat, can find some consistency with either, we’re celebrating that.

Control Of Your Nutrition

This is similar to seeing our members grow in their gym confidence. A lot of time people have the information and knowledge of what to do with their diet but don’t implement it, for a multitude of reasons. People can hop from one diet to another without ever feeling like they know what and why they’re doing it. So when you’ve worked on your eating habits, how your home is set up for you to succeed and it starts to become second nature, it can be hugely empowering to feel in control of your nutrition.


A simple one but often overlooked because it’s not as easily visible to us until it starts to deteriorate. Regular training will improve so many markers of health and help us to reduce the risk of many lifestyle related illnesses. Cardiovascular disease, heart disease, depression, cancer and diabetes just to name a few. Keeping up a consistent exercise routine and one you enjoy (most of the time!) is key to keeping up good health levels. When you stop to think about it, being able to improve your health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases is going to be one, if not the biggest, result from your training in the gym.

We’d love to say that everyone can step into their local gym, find what they enjoy first time and start training x3 a week for most of their life. But we know and appreciate it’s not that simple.

Two things thought that make a huge impact on your consistency with training is the community and support that’s available to you. It’s something we know is missing from big scale gyms and often lacking from even smaller local gyms.

If you want to find out more of how we’re bringing together the people of Wanstead to live a healthier, fitter and more energetic life with our bootcamp - you can find out more here.