Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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3 Key Differences Between Being Coached Online & YouTube Home Workouts

There is so much online coaching, YouTube home workouts and dozens of fitness apps to keep you active from home right now - it’s incredible.

But it’s also incredibly overwhelming to know where to start and what’s the difference between it all.

So this short article will go over 3 key differences between online training & YouTube (or Instagram) home workouts.


This is such a big & important difference but often it gets overlooked. Being coached online is a 2-way conversation. It means we see you, and you see us. So it gives us (the coaches) the chance to see your form, provide useful feedback on how to adapt things for you (not just your form but either make it more/less challenging if needed) & to give you a push through the final few reps.

Exercise aside, it also means we can have something so important right now. A conversation. You know, an actual conversation between two people. One of our values that is key to how we work is caring & giving a shit about our members. We’ll check in to see how you’re doing, your energy levels, any niggles, your nutrition outside of training and your overall feelings for the day. If you’re not quite feeling up for a solid leg burning session, that’s actually okay. We’ll adapt it for you on the day with more of what you need - stretching, mobility, more upper body.

We’re only human so every day will be different. Why have the exact same 30mins workout every Monday then.


I could call this a number of things, but ultimately it’s accountability to show up. Having a set day of the week & a set time to show your face for a workout makes a huge difference compared to being able to pass on the latest Instagram Live workout.

Especially given that a lot of the time, we’re doing the workout next to the sofa or from our bedroom where other things look a lot more tempting than getting a sweat on.

People often start with us thinking they lack motivation. What they actually are missing from their life that’s leading to a lack of consistency is accountability. We help keep our members accountable, check in with them regularly and support them across a week to ensure that training doesn’t become a once every fortnight event.


One of our pillars for starting Eat Lift Lose was community. A place where everyone’s welcome to help them improve their lives through fitness & nutrition. It’s raising each other up & celebrating other people’s wins. It’s getting to know the other people you train with and making friends.  It’s sharing a drink on a Friday at our Eat Lift Lose “virtual pub” with friendly faces.

Another area that’s not considered when it comes to work outs is who you’re doing it with. Over YouTube, Facebook or Instagram you have ZERO idea who else is doing the workout. When it comes to being coached online in our group sessions though, you get to virtually meet the other people taking part and share in the experience.

If you want to find out for yourself exactly what it’s like to experience first class online coaching, you can try it out for 7 days completely free with our home workout challenge.