Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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How To Lose Weight, By Thinking Less

We all want to lose weight, tone up and get fitter as quick and easy as possible.

We can get 100s of TV shows/movies at your finger tips instantly.

McDonald’s (which we never exclude from client’s diets) delivered in 30 minutes.

And with Prime Now, you can get anything from Coco Pops, Marigold gloves or a case of wine delivered to your door in 2 hours.

What a shopping list that would make...

But if that’s not convenience and fast results, I don’t know what is!

The best part is, all of those companies make it as easy and eliminate as much thought from the process as possible for you to get what you want.

We all want the same when it comes to dropping a couple dress sizes and knocking a few Kilo’s from the scales.

“How do I do that as easily as possible?” I hear you ask.

By thinking less.

Yep, you heard me.

You already do it, just counter productively.

You more than likely have a similar breakfast each weekday.

A similar sort of lunch.

And let’s face it, dinner is hardly an episode of MasterChef each night.

You more than likely rotate the similar type of meals across each week.

Getting results by thinking less involves a two step process:

1) Making a couple of small changes to your nutrition that reduce your calories.

2) Consistently making the changes you made in step 1 over time, without thinking.

Dropping your wobbly bits that you want rid of really is as simple as that.

Hard? Sure, at first it takes more effort that you’re currently making with your nutrition.

But just think, that’s what got you to where you are currently.

And I said it was simple, not easy.

Those are your two steps but I HATE when only theory is used in anything rather practical actions you can use in real life.

So let’s delve into them a little and see how some of our clients have put it into practice to achieve great results.

Making a couple of small changes to your nutrition that reduce your calories.

There are dozens of ways of doing this and when working with clients (in-person or online), I would always help them find what would be the easiest for them to implement.

Why make life harder than it needs to be?

So what does this look like...

Take one of your meals, ideally one you don’t mind having something either similar daily or with a few rotations.

One of my clients has seen great success by doing this with her breakfast. It’s a small cup of granola, some yoghurt and fruit.

The fruit can be varied. As can the yoghurt flavours.

And it’s lower in calories than what your typical busy mum with a stressful job might have.

It’s certainly better than having the large latte and chocolate croissant that barely touches the sides. Leaving you scrambling for the biscuit tin at 10:30am.

You could do the same with your lunch and make it as simple as possible.

A portion of lean protein, a small portion of carbs and some vegetables/salad.

Your lean protein could be anything such as white fish, lean mince, chicken breast - this doesn’t have to be plain. For goodness sake, enjoy it with seasoning or cooked into a simple sauce.

Your small portion of carbs could be something such as rice, potatoes, bread.

Again, this doesn’t have to be a portion of plain boiled potatoes.

And go wild with your veggies/salad.

See how you’re effectively creating your own flexible meal plan?

When you start to understand how you can put the pieces of the puzzle together, you then start making better choices without the need to think about every decision.

Consistently making the changes you made in step 1 over time

Well, there’s not much more to say on step two.

I did say it was simple and meant you think less.

The only part of this step I would put emphasis on is the first word in it - consistency.

That means not doing it for 4 days in the week and then reverting back to your old habits for the remaining days of the month.

A little patience goes a long way.

It’s that simple.

The less thinking you do, the easier it is to do.

And making better choices with your nutrition as easy as possible is going to drop those Kilo’s off quicker than you could imagine.

The more you consistently do it, the less you have to think.

When was the last time you thought about tying your shoes, driving a car or brushing your teeth?

Enjoyed finding out how easy nutrition can be made and that there isn’t any magical drink that helps people like you lose weight?

You can grab our FREE kick-arse guide to losing weight which breaks down step by step, how you can drop a jeans size and feel more confident again in your body.

If you want to find out more and to grab your free guide, hit the link below.