Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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How To Choose The Right Gym For You

Choosing a new gym can be scary! You're entering an unknown territory, full of people working up a sweat that might not have very welcoming faces on. Starting your fitness journey can be enough of a challenge, never mind picking where you want to start it.

If you are looking to join the first gym in your life or just moved into Wanstead and looking to keep up your fitness levels, below are our top 10 tips on what to look for when joining a new gym or fitness class.


What's the gym got to offer? And more importantly, will you make use of it regularly? I'm pretty happy to visit no frills gyms but some people like a gym with a swimming pool, sauna/steam room and squash courts. Is there parking if you plan on driving? Or a nearby station if you plan on getting the tube. It's all down to your personal preference and wants.


This is very goal dependent. If your goal is powerlifting, there's probably no point in joining a gym that's mainly full of resistance machines and no squat rack. On the flip side, if your main goal is to improve your cardiovascular performance then you'll probably want a gym offering a wide variety of different CV machines such as treadmills, bicycles, rowers etc. If you're unsure of your goals and just want to get more fit and improve your health, then look for a place with a good balance of CV & resistance machines along with some free weights.


Do you get a positive vibe from the moment you walk in to the gym? Or are you left stranded by the front door for 30 minutes ignored? It’s important you feel comfortable in the environment as you’re more likely to enjoy working out there. With that enjoyment comes more consistency, which is one of the main reasons you’ll make progress towards your goals. Whether you train with us on a 1-2-1 basis or at our bootcamp, every member of Eat Lift Lose becomes part of our community where we have a private facebook group for ongoing support, team training days and fun socials across the year!


Training in a gym is fantastic. But how often do you feel like you’re doing it alone with no one to hold you accountable? This easily happens in main chain gyms where their business is based on people not actually using their membership so the gym isn’t too packed. If support and accountability outside of your training is something you need to keep you on track, smaller gyms often do that now. All of our Eat Lift Lose members have access to weekly and monthly check-ins with us so we can review their progress, put a plan of action in place with some habits and keep everyone accountable to their goals.


Seems a pretty obvious one and depending on your financial situation, it could be the deal breaker or maker. Does the membership options at the gym fit into your budget? Are you ready to commit into a 12 month contract if this is the first time your joining a gym? A lot of places offer trials and if they don't, ask! The worst that will happen is they will say no. Just keep in mind, despite good intentions, a lot of mainstream gyms are driven by getting as many people as possible into long term contracts with zero care if people actually turn up.

Floor Space

This might seem like a strange one but from my experience this can vary quite a bit. Are you someone that loves to do walking lunges or push a sled around? If so you're going to need a nice amount of space. Satisfied with just enough open space for your stretches? Then this aspect might not be as important to you.

Travel Time

I feel like this is a key variable, especially if you're just starting to go to a gym. Is the gym close enough to walk to? If it is you're pretty lucky! Is it a 45 minute commute each way? If so, you're travelling for 90 minutes just to get there and back which is probably longer than the time you spend there! It can be easy to talk yourself out of going and use the time excuse. Also, does it fit into existing travel in your routine? If your gym schedule fits around your work schedule, you might actually not be having to do much additional travel but on the flip side, you may only visit the gym during your working week.

Opening Hours

There's been a massive shift to 24 hour gyms over the decade, probably driven by the busy modern lifestyle we now all live. The flexibility is great especially if you work night shifts. For gyms with more regular opening hours, it's always good to ensure the gym fits around your intended schedule and what the weekend's timings are like if you intend to make use of it then.

Personal Trainers

This is quite specific but for new starters having a gym that offers personal trainers is a great bonus should you want to go down that route. Even if you're not opting for personal 121 sessions, it's beneficial to have them around on the floor to support you and check double check your form. That said, what’s the quality of coaching like there? It’s difficult to know so reviews and referrals are a good place to start. We’re proud to have over 25 five star reviews across Google and Facebook.

Fitness Classes

Fitness classes can be massively beneficial and a great way for anyone starting out at a gym as they promote a collective and supportive environment. Attending a class might not be something that interests you, but the variety now available at gyms is amazing! Give one a go and you never know what you might discover you like. Often people that try our bootcamp (which is essentially a fitness class membership) are nervous and apprehensive before hand but after their 28 day shape up program, realise how much they enjoy training in a group environment.

If you join a gym or a new fitness class, enjoy it and feel part of a community - you’re on to a winner. It might take a few trials and errors along the way but that’s okay.

At Eat Lift Lose, we work hard to ensure every one of our members feel part of a community, even if they are training with us on a 1-2-1 basis.

If you live or work near Wanstead and want to try out what dozens of other people have loved, you can join our bootcamp or apply for 1-2-1 coaching.

Get in touch and we’ll be happy to chat about your goals to see if either of them are a right fit for you.