Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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Clean Eating - The Diet That’s Stopping You From Losing Weight

When people first look to lose weight and start a new diet, clean eating is often what people start out with.

Avocados, coconut oil and all the nuts go in the basket.

Out go anything with added sugar or salt, the white rice and anything processed.

All with the goal of losing weight.

But this is where a lot of people are getting things WRONG.

Yes, you read right.


If you’re start to eat clean, what was you doing before?

Eating dirty?

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We’ve had clients in the past eat clean and not see any improvements on the scale, the inches on their waist or the fit of their jeans.

We know exactly why too.

Because eating clean has led many people to actually NOT reduce their calorie intake.

And you know by now that’s what you need to do (or increase your calorie expenditure, but that’s harder to do) in order to lose weight.

People get the whole clean eating thing to lose weight backwards.

All those avocados on the side of meals, cooking in coconut oil, drizzling olive oil over everything and all those bags of nuts are doing your calorie intake no good!

That’s why it can be the diet that’s stopping you from losing weight.

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They are all super calorie dense.

Meaning, you’ve got yourself a lot of calories for a small amount of food volume.

Avocado on the side of your meal - an extra 200 calories

Food cooked in coconut oil - an extra 140 calories

Olive oil on your salad - an extra 150 calories

That bag of nuts in between lunch and dinner - an extra 300 calories

Those are just 4 examples of foods that pushed as “clean eating”. We could go on!

But you get the point - just because a food is labelled “clean” it doesn’t mean it contains no calories.

Look, we’ve been there ourselves! We’re no angel in falling for the clean eating hype.

It seems perfectly normal to think that eating clean is going to be healthier and make you lose weight.

But there are alternatives.

Instead of avocados, how about some salads that are just as nutritious without being laden in calories.

You could opt for spray oil instead of adding calories to a meal without even changing the real content of it.

There are plenty of super low calorie salad dressing to pick.

Grab yourself your favourite fruit too instead of dipping your hand into the nuts bag at your desk.

We’re not totally against these foods or any specific foods for that matter.

But attempting to eat clean to lose weight isn’t the answer.

The premise of it, we agree with.

Eat some more unprocessed food by cooking from scratch and eat plenty of veggies/fruit to go along with it.

But don’t feel the need to take it to the extreme and remove all unprocessed foods from your diet if you enjoy them.

Like having burgers, chocolate and pizza?

Guess what, you’re human.

If you’re looking to lose weight, it’s probably best you cut down on how often you eat them - that’s a given.

Going the whole way down the rabbit hole into clean eating isn’t going to end well if you do enjoy those foods.

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Like we said, we’re not surprised when clients come to us and have tried eating clean with zero results to show for it.

The world of nutrition is made out to be super complicated.

But we like to keep things simple.

Without any magical clean eating.

That’s why when we start working with clients, we find out what food they enjoy, their lifestyle, how much time they have to cook/eat and what they like to go out and eat.

If you want to start losing weight without having to resort to clean eating, our Leaner You Program will be the perfect fit.

We won’t ask you to eat clean.

Instead you’ll get:

✅ 8 personal training sessions designed to help you tone up in all the right places.

✅ Access to our simple to follow nutrition programme where you’re no longer second guessing what to eat or having to eat clean.

✅ Daily support and motivation so you can keep your progress going throughout the 30 days.

✅ Continual evaluation of your results - We track your progress so you’re never left guessing what the next stage in your journey is.

If that sounds good and you’re tired of trying different diets that don’t work, apply below and we’ll be in touch to find out more about your goals and if it’s the right programme for you.