Eat Lift Lose | Personal Training Gym | Wanstead and East London

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How To Look Beyond Scale Weight To Monitor Your Weight Loss Progress

Losing weight can be a slow burner.

After the initial excitement of starting your diet and training plan wears off, you start to wonder why your scale weight isn’t changing as much.

Yes, you might have hit a plateau.

Or you might have taken your foot off the gas as you’re not seeing the results you want so why bother carrying on right?

But you still weigh yourself regularly and then get frustrated that the scales haven’t shifted.

Take a step back (off the scales).

And think about what scale weight is - your relationship with gravity. Okay, that’s a pretty science-y answer and not one that most people think of. But that’s what it is…

Not how much fat you have.

Imagine this…

Your scale weight hasn’t changed in one year’s time.

But your body shape has visually changed so much your partner can’t keep their hands off you.

Your energy levels have skyrocketed and you perform better at work.

You’re now able to keep up running after the kids or up the stairs without feeling breathless.

You’ve dropped a couple dress sizes and unfortunately need a new wardrobe.

You still enjoy carbs and socialising with drinks/meals out with ZERO guilt.

But your scale weight has stayed the same?!

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It’s because it’s not the only way to track progress when looking to lose fat.

It’s why when working with clients, we always look at MULTIPLE ways to track progress.

  • Visually with progress photos

  • Monitoring your energy levels outside of training

  • Seeing how your training AND non-training fitness levels are changing

  • How your clothes are feeling

  • Taking key measurements across your body

Scale weight is ONE tool to use - just NOT the only tool to use.

Use some of those others as well as tracking scale weight - and you’ll already be miles ahead than others in seeing your progress.

Because the number on the scales only paints part of the picture and it’s important to see the whole thing!

If you want to find out how you can lose weight on the scale, get in the best shape of your life and still enjoy carbs in the process, then our FREE weight loss guide is the ideal starting place for you…

Check it out below…